I think a lot...sometimes something useful......sometimes directionless traffic. Felt like expressing all this. So here I am...

Sunday, April 8, 2007

My idea of a perfect lazy weekend

My idea of a perfect lazy weekend......

Wake up late in the morning... A hot cup of bed tea...Phone calls to people who are close to heart... Couple of good books... Pick up one book... Soft music in the background.. Keep the book down only when finished reading. Go out for lunch. A short afternoon nap... Again book.... Afternoon tea and snacks... An evening walk in the woods with him.... Again book... Go out for dinner. A late night movie together... Some discussion.... Sleep.


1 comment:

Vaibhav Deshpande said...

My idea of perfect weekend. ya obviously wake up late (beacause friday night some hoteling + movie @ home).Then Badminton for 1:30 hrs.Afternoon reading generally some mangement related books + economic times.Make plans for evening. go out with freinds/her . Come back late at night read a bit and then sleep.
